Sunday, August 7, 2011

Semi-Healthy Broccoli and Mushroom Quiche!

As mentioned a few moments ago, I made a quiche earlier this summer, and it was rather tasty. I decided I'd try to make another one to share with my dad's side of the family at our reunion this afternoon.

Ingredients! Only forget the mozzarella cheese in the background. I ended up not using it. And pretend that the 9-inch pie crust is in the picture. In reality, it was thawing on the other side of the kitchen so that it'd separate from the other pie crust to which it was attached (two-pack, yo).

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

My recipe before called for diced onion, but I decided to go with broccoli this time. As for measurements, I can't say. Somewhere between a half a cup and a cup. The recipe calls for half a cup of onion, but I figured more broccoli couldn't hurt, so I diced until there was no more tree branchy bits and called it a day.

In one bowl, mix your cheeses and flour. That's two cups of shredded cheese and one cup of Monterey Jack (and other assorted) cheese. Three tablespoons of flour.

In a separate bowl, add five eggs (or in this case, Liquid Egg / Egg Beaters equivalent), 1/2 cup of half and half, broccoli, and a 4 oz. can of drained sliced mushrooms. Mix it up. Then add the bowl of your cheeses and flour.

And it'll look kinda like this. Mix a bit more.

Pour contents into pie crust. Like so.
Only you probably won't have a camera in one of your hands.

Bake at 350 degrees. I set the timer for 45 minutes, checked it out, and added another 12 minutes. You should allow for a total of 60-70 minutes in the oven, but some ovens are quirky.

It should come out looking something like this.

Cool for 10 minutes before serving.

I'm wrapping this up for our two-ish hour drive to the reunion.

S'mores Pie Revisited

Last year, I made my very first s'mores pie, which I was inspired to create after dining with my husband at Mountain State Brewing Company in McHenry, MD. They have a lovely s'mores dessert with Nutella and marshmallows over flatbread. I thought, "I should try something similar." So I got graham cracker pie crust, marshmallows, graham crackers, Nutella, and whipped cream. It was wonderful! I hadn't made it since last summer though.

This weekend is my first family reunion on my father's side of the family, and it's a potluck. I had decided early on that I'd make a quiche, since my first go with that earlier this summer was a success (I can post about the quiche later). I also wanted to bring a dessert. Why not try to make the s'mores pie again?

So here are the ingredients! Only pretend that you don't see the whipped cream. I used whipped cream last summer and decided at the last minute that I didn't want to use it this time.

I immediately began preheating the oven to 375 degrees. I just arbitrarily decided that was a good baking temperature for this, since graham cracker crust is precooked, and I don't want to burn it. (Last year, I tried baking a pie with graham cracker crust for as long as it was suggested because I didn't realize this piece of apparently common knowledge...)

I spread a layer of Nutella along the bottom of the pie crust. You can opt to spread the Nutella on the sides as well if you'd like. I didn't do it, but maybe I will next time.

I used two different kinds of Jet-Puffed marshmallows. One was a mocha kind, which I used like so.

It was silly of me, but I didn't realize that the two-in-one chocolate and vanilla marshmallows that I'd purchased were significantly larger than the mocha marshmallows. I didn't want to move the mocha ones though and mess up the Nutella, although I suppose that wouldn't have been a horrible thing.

I was then going to apply a layer of graham crackers on top, but I thought, "Maybe I don't have enough marshmallows..."

So I added more marshmallows....

Last time, I had trouble spreading the Nutella on top of the layer of graham crackers, so this time, I thought, "Spread the Nutella first."

And then I put the crackers face down. I figure that taste buds won't know the difference if my layering is slightly inconsistent.

I then completed the graham layer, like so. It's obviously not going to be perfect with shapes not matching up and all, but again, will your taste buds know the difference? Nope.

I added more mocha-y marshmallows (because those larger ones seemed like a bad idea in my mind-- in the future, I'll put more larger ones on the bottom layer).

I was debating between an extra layer of graham crackers and crushing them. I went with breaking them up a bit.

Like so.

Remember: bake at 375 degrees. Or not. I guess you could do 400. Or 350. Your choice. I picked 375 and baked for five minutes.

And this is what the pie should look like after five minutes in the oven (well, I had it in there for three, took it out, had AJ look at it, and he said it could stand a couple of more minutes, so I put it in there for another two.). Note: your marshmallows will not be purple unless they were purple when they went in. Do not fear the marshmallows!

So I'd decided at the last minute not to use whipped cream and went straight to drizzling the pie with chocolate syrup. Then I put the pie in the fridge. I haven't tried it yet, as the reunion isn't until 1:00 this afternoon, but I imagine it shall be awesome.